• How long is the interview?

    The interview will last approximately one hour. This is to ensure you are given the space to talk about your experiences in depth. Your experiences matter and we want to highlight them!

  • How will the interview be conducted?

    The interview will be held via zoom. Please ensure prior to your interview that the platform is downloaded and that your mic and camera are working properly.

  • Will the Interview be recorded?

    The interview will be recorded for research purposes only and ensure we are accurately representing your experiences. Any video and audio recording will not be published or distributed.

  • Do I need to prepare?

    No! Other than making sure your zoom video and audio are working, come as you are!

  • Do I have to be a parent?

    We understand that it takes a village! For clarity, we are interviewing those who hold educational rights (the person who is required to sign special education documents.

  • Will I get to see the final product?

    This project will continue throughout 2024-2025. Relevent information and resources will be posted on this site!